I personally think the police here is f*cked up.
Yes, I said it.

It may sound like an old beef between me and them but I have to said it. Exactly 15 years ago, my bike was stolen. I did made a report...Imagine, I was just 7 back then. An innocent boy who totally believed that the police can do anything to help the helpless. Just like Bruce Wayne, as I grew older, I totally believe that the police ain't shit.
Can't even find my bike...it wasn't hard.
It was a pink mountain bike with black rims.
Things are getting worse now people.

If you got punched straight to the face by some whackoo, lose some teeth, cut your gums...the police aint doing shit.
True shit. Ask this dude...
Reason being according to the Police spokesman ASP Lim Tung Li; The Offence was not a seizable one, so the assailant was not arrested.
Investigation is STILL going on....because they need more evidences.
Pick up those teeth then. Get CSI in the case. Get the Bat Signal.
A friend who was in the force said,"A seizeable offence is one which was witnessed by the police themselves."
Oooooook...how about this?
A video of a gang of girls kicking the shit of a girl was posted on the net. I don't know about you, but that is one HELL of an evidence, but no arrest was made because no one report a complaint to the police. Yup...WhatTheF*ck, precisely.
Another case, a doctor got his ass kicked by a group of young thugs.
He got himself these...
Multiple facial fractures and damage to one of his facial nerves.
Two metal plates inserted around one of his eyes.
I hope you can sense the irony there...but two metal plates in the eyes?
That's some gnarly shit!
Anyways, this was what happened after the ass kicking...The police shockingly declined to go after the assailants, and instead asked the victim to lodge a report with the Magistrates' Court, and left.
No wonder our cunt-ry has low crime rate...
because they aren't reported in the first place.
Aint that a bitch!
Well, at least they have arrested a 56-year-old man who is believed to be behind a series of arson over the past week.
An old man with a lighter is definitely dangerous.
PS: Get yourself a SPARTAN bodyguard.