Friday, 6 April 2007

Things don't make sense

Hey Gang

Things don't make sense lately. Especially if you are staying here in Singapore. Too many things are happening simultaneously and we do not have time to ponder about them. We just shake our heads and wag our fingers. Quietly nodding to ourselves, Thank God that shit didn't happened to me...

The Big issue now is the 'discovery' of a case of abuse in a local Muslim orphanage. Personally I don't know what the BIG issue is. I may sound insensitive but that news is blowing up beyond proportion. I know that abuse is a bad thing but we are not talking about concentration camp Nazi style here. C'mon, we are turning soft and overreacting. Even if I slap my own child for being rude, I WILL get charged for abuse. One of our minister naturally 'condone' the act saying its "unforgiving and distressing".

No shit about that but...kinda strange that we still practise canning as a corporal punishment for stuffs like vandalism. Caning is something REALLY painful and will definitely leave a permanent scar on the asses.

Somehow the saying, Spare the rod. Spoil the child. doesn't quite make sense.

My point is, if a child is up to mischief, smack him/her. If this was practised by parents years ago, probably, we can cut down of juvenille assholes (like this guy) we tend to see along the streets almost every other weekends.


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