Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Kids nowadays are freakin' nuts

Hey gang,

Pardon for the long it a writer's block but I rather call it "The S'pore syndrome".

Too much to do, too little time, therefore...F*ck it.

Anyway, the lastest headline news in Singapore is about a National Service man. Apparently, he was missing from his duty and found in the heart of Orchard road with a FREAKIN rifle. Equipped with BULLETS!

The last time I saw a crazy stunt like this was in Die Hard but wow! Imagine that! An armed boy with a 80cm long rifle in the middle of Orchard road during dinner time.
Now you tell me why the f*ck no one sees that as something weird.

Shit(s) that I don't understand

1)Ok, there were at least a few hundred people there since it was the peak hour. Everyone was going for dinner or a movie. Tell me no one actually saw a guy with a rifle. C'mon it is far more obvious than Superman's red underwear. If they have missed that, they could not missed his crazed look.

2)That psycho had a rifle AND bullets.
Why not use them, arsehole? It is not as if you have rifle but no ammo. You could only probably stab someone ass with the muzzle. Or you have bullets but no rifle. That would be as pointless as having a comb for your bald head. C'mon, you were already stupid enough to 'steal' a rifle AND bullets and bring it to the most crowded place in Singapore. The only god damn smart thing for you to do is to use them, isn't it? Damn it...

3)The most strangest thing I yet to wonder is...How the hell he manages to bring the rifle out in the public? I mean you need some sort of transportation right? Surely, even how stuuuuuupid Singaporeans can be, they sure know how to spot a rifle right? Right...? Nevermind.

The only thing that I can think of this is.....

Yeah...Desperado kicks ass...

So there you have it folks. Kids are really f*cked up now. Blame it on society. Blame it on education. Blame it on media. Blame it on shitty bands.

In my opinion, if the kid is stupid.
The parents to blame. If the kid is this crazy, well, even doctors have no medication for being a freakin nut.



Boltzmann said...

hey mat... so hows teaching? still cursing and searing as usual... haha... do come to training to let go of some steam... we've got some gool ol junior just like us... talented and cocky...

luvsilver said...

the last time i wrote in my own blog was more than a year ago and have never commented on anyone's blog.. till i read yours which i find very interesting! :)