Saturday, 17 March 2007

This is a typical Singaporean

Hi Gang,

I was browsing through YoungPAP Discussion board when I came across this topic "Accidents on the road rising-Ban All 2 wheelers."

From the title itself, you know it will be highly debated by riders and complete fucks like this guy "Vocalkid" who said...

...i think i have said enough about this post. My views are crystal clear - if u want to save lives, its best to have an outright ban or limitation to the usage of the bikes...weekends or weeknights.

for the rest of u who disagree with my viewpoint, you will when one day your own sons comes up to you (hopefully he does and not do it secretly) and tells u "Pa, I want to own and ride a motorcyle". And hopefully u dont regret your approval of him riding the bike when he gets killed in an accident.

(end of rubbish)

Yup...this is a typical Singaporean, folks. Ignorant, Rude and a complete asshole. I'm not gonna debate about how dangerous riding a bike is or whether we need a ban.

Banning chewing gum is stupid enough.
Banning bike will really pin the nail on the ass.

Well folks, if you are not interested in politics, just visit the YoungPap forum. You can find enlightenment with a dose of people who makes no sense at all while trying to be political. No wonder our MPs don't give a shit of what we wanna say.

Wait, isn't that oxymoronic? Politics. Sense.



Mr Incognito said...

goodness knows what will be banned next. blogs?

Mr K said... is inevitable.